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    Thursday, July 30, 2009

    Behavior Reseach???

    Behavior Research......part of this new Health Care reform. DOES THIS NOT BOTHER ANYONE ELSE???

    Blue Dog Dems

    This is just so ridiculous to believe there is any hope with the "Blue Dogs"

    My belief is they will falter and fall in line.

    Mike Huckabee!

    I saw this piece on Mike Huckabee's site and thought it was important to pass around.

    I want doctors to make money. Frankly, I want them to make a lot of money. They don't have to make as much as Oprah, who made $275 million last year; or George Lucas, who made $170 million; or Stephen Spielberg, who made $150 million. Heck, both Tiger Woods and Madonna made $110 million last year....

    See more at

    We love you Mike and really enjoy your show!