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    Wednesday, August 19, 2009


    I am sitting here in the comfort of my home watching "Defiance" with one of my favorite actors staring - Liev Schreiber. Pretty emotional movie. I have my laptop close and just felt the need to write. Thank goodness for DVR and the pause button. But seriously, this is a very serious movie, filmed about WWII and the horrors so many people experienced. The acting is superb. Very emotional and extremely intense. Amazing how the human spirit works and that is what this movie is all about, the title describes it all - Defiance!

    I think of how in todays world, defiance plays such an important role.

    Friday, August 14, 2009

    FOX News Poll: Most Americans Want Unused Stimulus Money Returned to Taxpayers - Political News -

    FOX News Poll: Most Americans Want Unused Stimulus Money Returned to Taxpayers - Political News -

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    $25 Entrance Fee???

    Ok, well now back to being disappointed with the "Dems

    Rep. Melissa Bean charging a $25 entrance fee to a town hall meeting and participants must register one week in advance. And where is this money going? Oh sorry...breakfast.

    Hmmmmm - leave to the Dems

    Pat Caddell

    You know I can't even believe I am putting a "Dems" name up in my title of my newest post....BUT.....I have to give him the respect he deserves.

    I have been listening to Mr. Caddell for the past couple of days. He has been on Hannitty's panel, Bill O'Reily and just simply the morning news. And believe it or not, this man is really talking the truth. How refreshing is that for a democrat. Wow. He is seeing finally just how far this current administration has gone to the left. Wow. I can't seem to stop saying wow.

    With all the "kool-aid" drinking lately of Dems and to finally see a Dem talk against his own party is well worth the watch. Highly recommend trying to catch him online and if you can't find a recent spot with him, then "You Tube" him. Very very refreshing!!!

    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Found this on Mike Huckabee's site
    extremely interesting and thought a good idea to pass along.

    August 02, 2009 - 09:30 AM

    Health Care From A Doctor's Perspective

    our medical system can easily be considered one of the best in the world.

    That doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement. The health care industry is about 16% of our GNP-- it is expensive. But it is also readily available--no one ever gets refused medical care. Physicians, hospitals, clinics will all give care to the best of their ability--without regard to their own compensation or the patient's legality of residency. Unpaid statements are generally written off by the practitioners and hospitals, rarely getting any acknowledgement from the public. Neither does the massive personal debt that an individual takes on in order to become trained as a physician. Yet, medical liability is generally viewed with compassion for the patient, rarely discussed as frivolous, or as a convenient cash cow. All this drives the cost of health care upwards.

    Additionally, as a nation we have sections of our population that do indeed strive for health maintenance. But our health care system delivers services to cure disease with certain specialties--pediatrics, OB/GYN, sports medicine-- having a strong basis of preventative medical care. The rest is up to the patient. Poor habits and unhealthy lifestyles may lend a certain independence to one's aura, but it sure is a conundrum of sorts!

    Our health care delivery is complex, and the need for cost containment is apparent. But, it should not deter medical advances in technology and pharmaceuticals, and cannot be accomplished without some attention to tort reform. And certainly, the public should be able to look at the inefficient agencies that are currently at work via Medicare, Medicaid, and the Massachusetts health care system, to know that government programs bread inefficiency and corruption. The last thing our country needs is to get more government agencies so that more decisions about health become politicized. We need only to look at other countries efforts to know that such systems become beacons for lobbying groups which are not interested in the public's health!

    It seems to me that emphasizing the positive choices individuals can make--instead of searching for innovative taxation schemes--and getting back to "doing what's right" would go a big way in stemming spiraling health care costs.