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    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    Here is a quote that I find very interesting!

    Here is a quote that I find very interesting!

    Ronald Walters , a political science professor emeritus at the University of Maryland , said that Reid's comparison to the days of slavery doesn't apply, because today's political parties are very different than they were during the 19th century slavery debates, as well as the civil rights battles of the 1950s and 1960s.

    The Democratic Party of the 1800s was considered the party of landowners who owned slaves, while the GOP was viewed as a more radical party, Walters said, because of its opposition to slavery.

    "And 21st century Republicans today are like Southern Democrats of the past," Walters said.

    In 1964, Senate Democrats led a 57-day debate on the landmark Civil Rights Act that ended only when 27 Republicans joined 44 Democrats to cut off the debate. Twenty-three Democrats and six Republicans voted to keep talking.

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